Giveaway Setup
If you are using the on-chain giveaway function. make sure you have the NFT you'd like to giveaway in the DAO Discord wallet.
use /setup-giveaway to bring up your giveaway options.
Steps for On-Chain Giveaway
Choose NFT
Set Number of Prizes (use 1 if doing a single NFT)
Set Giveaway Duration
Set Winners (Use 1 if using a NFT)
Choose a Title
Write your Description
Add Emoji
Tag your Users
If you win an on-chain giveaway, your NFT will be sent directly to your Flux wallet automatically.
If you win an off-chain giveaway, the admin will provide guidance on how to claim your prize.
Fluxtility will give you a chance to review the giveaway and then Confirm or Delete
Select Confirm to Post giveaway
Select Delete to correct any mistakes and repost
After Confirmation you will see a display letting you know to wait for the Raffle to Post.
Last updated