👕The TTCC Tailor

Trait Swapping done right.

The Time Traveling Chimps powered by Flux Inc. Are 100% customizable, meaning you can earn traits from adventures, games nights and various other ways being launched soon.

How to Upgrade a Chimp

  1. Start by visiting https://fluxinc.io and clicking on the Tailor. This will take you to the page that allows you to view your available Chimps and Traits.

  1. You will first select a chimp on the left of the screen, this will cause it to populate in the larger center image.

  2. Next you simply click on a Trait from the right side of the screen and it will show you a preview of what your Chimp will look like with the trait applied.

  3. Once you are happy with the Trait you would then click upgrade, located in the top right had corner of the center image. This will bring up a wallet confirmation for you to approve, once approved it will push the update to the blockchain and you should see your new chimp in 2-3 minutes.

Last updated