How to Raid with Flux

This page shows you how simple and clean the experience is raiding with Fluxtility Pro.

Fluxtility Pro allows for raiding in full without having to leave the server you’re raiding from.

Every raid will now include the button panel shown above. Please take note of the following points:

  • Press Retweet button to RT the post

  • Press the comment button to customize your comment.

  • This is where you will be entering your custom comment to be posted with your raid.

  • Also here is where you will choose the sequence you'd like to post your photos in. If you leave it blank, Fluxtility will randomly select 2 photos to post with your raid.


  • In Fluxtility Pro, any hashtags set by the raid leader for a raid will automatically be added to your reply when clicking comment button.

Verify Raid

Fluxtility Pro has implemented a verification process for raiding.

How does it work?

  • You can now verify your raid to be counted as a participant. This allows you to also view your entry into each raid via the “Participants” button on the raid panel.

  • After you complete the raid instructions for each raid you will then click “Verify Raid”

  • If you missed any instructions you will receive a message telling you so. Correct your mistakes and click “Verify Raid” again.

  • As long as you have completed all the instructions (like, RT, comment etc.) you will receive a “successfully Raided” response and your raid is now complete and can be verified by clicking the “Participants” button on raid and check list.

Last updated